A popular myth is that the two hemispheres of the brain have different attributes with regard to data processing and strengths (1). The belief that the right half's strengths lie in its ability to process images and feelings, focusing on the present but also future possibilities. Whilst the left hemisphere is the logical, analytical guy, focusing on the present and the past. Both are myths. It is tempting to think that right-brain thinkers are the artists and designers. Whilst the left-brain thinkers we get the scientists and accountants. However, none of this is borne out by any scientific evidence but has become accepted and incorrect understanding of the brain and now pervades everything from training to leadership development.
The myth that individuals have dominant hemispheres is also not borne out by research. A study of brain activity through MRI has demonstrated that neither side of the brain dominates (2). In essence we all think with the whole brain. The concept that for idea creation give me Mr Righty, but for task implementation and planning give me Mr Lefty, is a complete untruth.
What is true is that to really approach business challenges from multiple angles - giving a greater chance of success - we need whole brain thinkers. We need people who can deal with the big picture but also the fine detail that can trip us up. Sometimes we need creativity and abstract thinking, but we also need to put that thinking into practice. Mind maps and brain storming are great but often those ideas don’t get turned into actions. No mind map ever got something done. Similarly, no Gantt chart ever created a bright idea. In truth we need both.
There are a host of task management software applications out there now, and quite a few mind-mapping ones. Alas there are few that can go from idea creation, to task planning to tracking implementation in a joined-up way. One that does and is worth a try is
It is well worth playing with if you are visual person and want to escape from the tyranny that is Microsoft Excel and Project Manager.
(1) https://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-left-brain-vs-right-brain-myth-elizabeth-waters
(2) An Evaluation of the Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain Hypothesis with Resting State Functional Connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Nielsen JA, Zielinski BA, Ferguson MA, Lainhart JE, Anderson JS (2013) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0071275